15 September

Book Talk: I'm Not Scared

I love writing workshop! Usually, my students are immersed in a study of personal narratives (Small Moments) or some type of informational writing, such as How-To Books or All-About Books. But one type of writing I like to weave in every now and then is "Copycat Writing." Copycat writing happens when I share a book with a predictable pattern or repeating phrase and ask the children to mimic that author's style while writing their own unique ideas. My more emerging writers tend to like copycat writing lessons because they feel they have a place (or structure) to start from... it leaves very little room for "writer's block."  

I just found this little book at Barnes and Noble last week and thought it was perfect for October. It's about being scared (and then not being scared). The pattern is very simple and perfect for primary writers to mimic with content relevant to them. Take a peek inside at some of the pages:

(Left Page)

(Right Page)

(Left Page)

(Right Page)

(Left Page)

(Right Page)

(Left Page)

(Right Page)

I love the back-and-forth seesaw style of Todd Parr's book... I think the kids will, too. And I really think they're going to love the artwork because it totally looks like something they can do, so it's not intimidating, but rather empowering instead. I'm thinking each writer could make their own book OR (if time is short) each child could write and illustrate two pages to contribute to a class book. These are some other copycat books I've used in the past and love:

When I Was Young in the Mountains by Cynthia Rylant

When I Am Old with You by Angela Johnson  (This one is my favorite... great for elaboration!)

If You're Not from the Prairie by David Bouchard

Outside, Inside by Carolyn Crimi

Once There Were Giants by Martin Waddell

I know I'm missing some (too tired to walk to my bookcase), but I'd love to hear some of yours. Do you have a favorite book with a pattern that inspires writers?

Happy teaching!  :)


  1. Andrea, That book looks adorable, I will have to keep my eye out for it! I love the book Fortunately by Remy Charlip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLoA5ZmglC0 It is such a fun story to "copycat"!

  2. I just looked at it on barnesandnoble.com and it looks perfect for a copycat writing... thanks! (Paperback, $7.99)
